Friday, December 24, 2010

Just enough time to say...

Merry Christmas...come in and see us during the Festive season...

Oh and here is a Chrissy present for all you coffee lovers, we have hired Bec (all those who drink coffee regularly at The Regal will know her) and she starts on Boxing Day...she will be on the morning run and makes an amazing coffee for all you early birds and brunchers.

The Dutch love it

Donna and Sanders were visiting from Dutch land, on their way to Mount Gambier for Christmas. They made a quick stop off at the cafe for some breakfast and were in love with the view...thank goodness Warrnambool turned on a little bit of sunshine for them.

Donna appeared quite pleased with her blueberry pancakes
Sanders can't even stop eating long enough to smile for my Iphone!

Monday, December 13, 2010

That's how we roll: Dishwasher Jon took time out from the kitchen to look like a '70s porn star - just missing a bit of facial hair.

We are open! and it is awesome

Wish you were here? You could be...we are open!

It was hectic but we managed to open the doors on time! It was all hands on deck (literally) last Thursday with about 90 tradesmen running around finishing off odd jobs. But it was all worth it – the coffee machine is ripping out cappuccinos, lattes, long blacks, short blacks, double strength with a triple twist and cash back offer blacks. It’s all good. The menu looks awesome and the homemade date scones are divine (I should know, I have half of one hanging out of my mouth as I write this).

Today’s beautiful sunlight brought people out and about – and the ocean put on a glittering display under the blue sky. Also glittering was Warrnambool’s glitterati – with Greens member Jack Howard (above) popping in to enjoy a scone and a soy latte (promise we won’t tell Fishtales*) and could you shove that scone in any faster?

Not only is the view awesome, so is the staff uniform. They get to wear very cool aprons – check out Jacqui – she just loves her apron.

*Fishtales: the sacred second home of Mr Jack Howard.